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Brides Beware:

Unexpected Wedding Bills

Be prepared for those unexpected wedding bills…

How’s your wedding planning coming along? I want to talk to you about your budget, or rather unexpected costs!

Once you’ve worked out your sums and set your budget the fun part starts.

Choosing your venue, the wedding dress, your photographer, florist and all the other pretty things.

However, there are lots of little extra’s that are easily missed. How do you prepare yourself for these? I can guarantee you, last minute requirements will all spring up in the final weeks.

To help you avoid this I have compiled a list of unexpected wedding bills. Whilst £50 here and £25 there may not seem like much, it will soon add up!

So, to avoid this or at least prepare yourself for it, read on….

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Hair & Beauty


1. Hair and makeup trials

For a lot of bride’s makeup and hair is very important and getting it right is crucial to them.

While hair and makeup trials are usually included in the overall price of the beauty packages, you may want more than one trial.

I know of some brides having up to 3 (or more) trials and at £40 or £50 a go, it can add up very quickly!

So, here’s a top tip, create a mood board either on Pinterest or the old fashion way of printing and sticking. This will give you a clear idea of what you want. Show your favourites to your stylists and this should save you both money and time.

2. Other last-minute beauty.

I am sure in the run-up to your special day you’ll have other beauty treatments. Maybe on that list will be facials, manicures, eyebrows and so on.

It can get costly, so make sure you put some budget to one side to cover this.

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3. Wedding underwear (Comfy and not so comfy!)

Having the right wedding underwear is serious business (or so I’m told).

Getting the right shape and the support you need under your wedding dress is essential and good underwear is not cheap.

Don’t forget your lacy numbers as well, we all know support underwear isn’t very glam, is it?

4. The all-important Wedding Dress Alterations and Dry Cleaning.

You may have alterations included within the costs of your wedding dress, however, if you have bought a dress that was on sale, or on the high street or second hand, you may need to arrange alterations and cleaning yourself.

Both alterations and dry cleaning will vary in cost a lot depending on how much work l needs doing.

5. Your outfit for the day after.

Looking stunning on your wedding is a given, but what are you going to wear the day after to greet your guests?

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The Wedding Day


6. Refreshments

If you’ve had an early breakfast, you and your bridal party will be hungry by midday.

Many venues will happily supply sandwich platters for you whilst you’re getting ready.

These may cost more than you think. Ask about it well in advance so that you can arrange something else if needed.

7. Photographers & Videographer meals

Your hardworking photographer and videographer are with you for all day and they’ll be hungry too.

Ask the venue to supply them with a meal each, but check what it will cost.


Other Unexpected Costs


8. Postage stamps

You’ve got your beautifully written invitations all paid for, addressed and ready to go.

However, don’t forget to add the postage costs. If you have 60 invites to send and they all take at least one first class stamp, that’s £39.

9. Passports ready for the honeymoon

If you’re lucky enough to be heading straight on honeymoon after the wedding check your passports are in order. Getting a new one takes time and money.

10. Gifts for your bridal party

After all the planning and preparation, that hopefully your bridesmaids and groomsmen have helped you, with its lovely to gift them to say thank you for their help.

Jewellery and flowers are popular with the girls and bottles of something for the guys.

Don’t forget your parents and anyone else that’s been a great help too.

11. Thank you notes

After your special day, you’ll be wanting to thank your guests for helping you enjoy the most fabulous day ever.

You could have these made with your stationary or photographs from the day, or alternatively, you can buy them on the high street. Don’t forget the postage.

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And one not to forget…


Taking on lots of DIY projects to decorate your venue and craft the details can seem like it will save you lots of money – don’t forget the think about the price of supplies and props.

If you’re thinking about not hiring a professional for the décor and styling, I’ve got some tips here to help your budget.

Don’t forget your time too; it’s going to take a lot of it.

1. Plan it first and then price up everything that you will need. It’s going to help you keep track of what you spend.
2. Make sure you shop around for the best prices. Online, Etsy, Amazon and eBay are great.
3. Ask family and friends or even the venues before you buy anything. You’ll be surprised at what they have that you can borrow.
4. Give yourself lots of time for each project. This will help to avoid any mistakes.

Without being accurate, all those hidden costs could total to more than £2000. Some of them may be unavoidable whilst others not essential, but it’s good to know about them all from the start.

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Wedding Bills by Paul Swift Photography

Wedding Bills – Wedding Bills

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