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Leanne and Matt’s Perfect Winter Mitton Hall Wedding Album

Leanne and Matt

Their Perfect Winter Mitton Hall Wedding Album
Leanne and Matt married at one of the very best wedding venues in Lancashire; Mitton Hall.

Laughter and fun were the order of the day, and that was all day.

Enjoy the film.

Leanne and Matt's Perfect Winter Mitton Hall Wedding Album
Leanne and Matt's Perfect Winter Mitton Hall Wedding Album

After each wedding I like to send a few questions to each newly married couple to find out what they thought of my services – I’m always looking to improve in some way.


Here’s Leanne and Matt’s questionnaire.


Why did you decide to hire a photographer?

Because we wanted good pictures to look back on in years to come!

What led you to trust Paul Swift Photography with your Wedding Photography?

He was very down-to-earth and easy to get along with which made it all a lot more comfortable! And obviously, the pictures we had seen were good!

How do you feel about the work I have done?

I love it! Especially the pictures in our album

While serving as your photographer, what did I do that you were most pleased with?

How you chatted to all of the guests and had fun.. everyone felt comfortable with you there and you put a lot of effort into getting different styles of pictures

What did you like least about your whole experience with me?

I wish I had organised more time in to get more pictures of us and the guys getting ready, I gave too late of a time and got ready quicker than I thought I would! Maybe something to mention to other couples if they do want a lot of getting ready pics, not necessarily for the album just for memories! As I said, something I should have thought about beforehand when organising times!

What could I change or do that would improve my photography services?


If a potential client was on the fence about whether to hire me as their photographer, what would you say to them?

To go for it definitely! As we did with Laura! (Matt’s sister booked me for her wedding)

How can I serve you better in the future?

You couldn’t do better!

Calls/messages answered promptly ☐Poor ☐Average ☐Good ☐Excellent


Courtesy and helpfulness ☐Poor ☐Average ☐Good ☐Excellent

Excellent, you offered a lot more advice than just about photography! Anything wedding-related!

Information clearly explained ☐Poor ☐Average ☐Good ☐Excellent


Responsiveness to your concerns & questions ☐Poor ☐Average ☐Good ☐Excellent


Please rate the quality of Album ☐Poor ☐Average ☐Good ☐Excellent


Quality of the finished product ☐Poor ☐Average ☐Good ☐Excellent


Your overall experience ☐Poor ☐Average ☐Good ☐Excellent


If there was a problem, did I resolve it to your satisfaction? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A


Check which of my information was most helpful? (Please mention all that apply) ☐ Price list ☐ Web page ☐ Phone conversation ☐ Consultation

They were all helpful!

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